It lets you create state machine based LabVIEW programs by 'simply' drawing a
state diagram.  You can switch between diagram view and code view.  It
probably mostly useful for documentation, where state diagrams are needed.

It is not part of any version of LabVIEW, you have to pay for it separately. 
The price is $995.  (the standard price for any LabVIEW tool from NI)

I am selfishly hoping that no one buys it so that they may change their mind
and include it LabVIEW Professional or something like that.  (For $995 I'll
keep using Visio to draw the few state diagrams I need)

John H.

>>> Scott Serlin 01/15/04 05:53PM >>>

Can anyone tell me what the state machine diagram editor toolkit does
and which version of labview it is part of?  

Thanks in advance.


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