
Yes Arild Danielson of Norway coded a very useful set of Savitsky-Golay
filtering functions. He made them publically available in February 1997.
They still work fine in LV7, although the originals were in LV4.1 I
believe. The VI llb which contains all necessary VIs and also a nice demo
to compare the Savitzky-Golay with other more conventional means of
filtering is called Firfunc.llb. This library should be found in
info-labview archives.

The author gets all the credits for this very nice and useful suite of VIs.
Arild are you still listening somewhere on this planet?

I hope you can get them from the archives or directly from the author.



Urs Lauterburg
Physics demonstrator
LabVIEW wireworker
University of Bern

>I am working on a project that requires the use of a Savitsky-Golay
>Derivative filter.  I'm hoping that someone on this list has built a VI to
>implement this filter and would you be willing to share it. If not, can
>anyone point me in the right direction to get started.  All I found in my
>web searches was the general form of the equations.  Being a simple minded
>electrical engineer it looks Greek to me.  Thanks for the help!
>Stan Kieta
>REAL Controls, Inc.
>P.O. Box 193
>Salix, PA 15952
>Ph: (814) 487-5195
>Cell: (814) 242-2260

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