
> I am working on a project that requires the use of a
> Savitsky-Golay Derivative filter.  I'm hoping that someone on
> this list has built a VI to implement this filter and would you
> be willing to share it. If not, can anyone point me in the right
> direction to get started.  All I found in my web searches was the
> general form of the equations.  Being a simple minded electrical
> engineer it looks Greek to me.  Thanks for the help!

You can try my library for Sav-Gol filtering. I wrote it some time around
'97. It supports smoothing, 1st and 2nd derivatives with windows from 5 to
19 points and padding of output arrays to the length of input arrays. It
also includes a detailed example. The 1st derivative can be taken on
non-uniformly sampled points. I recompiled it into LV 6.1 and put it on my
server. You are welcome to download it from

One word of caution: I seem to remember that the original paper by Savitsky
and Golay contained some typos in the coefficients. Those typos may have
made their way into my table of coefficients. You may want to verify those
coefficients. If anyone finds any errors there, please let me know. Hope
this helps.

   Sergey Liberman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Solidus Integration

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