Regarding your string parsing...

Maybe I don't understand your protocol, but it looks to me like it's
just a simple query/response protocol.  So I'm not sure what you mean
when you talk about a continuous stream of data.

It seems like you'd just send "?Temperature1\n" and immediately do a
VISA Read knowing that the data you expect back is for "Temperature1".

I'd suggest that you terminate your data with an end of line
character, and use VISA's termination character functionality to
simplify the read.  E.g., have the satellite return something like
"!Temperature1[Data]\n".  Then configure "\n" as your VISA termination
character.  You could leave out the "Temperature1", since you should
know what you queried for.  But, it does make a good sanity check if
you identify the data that comes back with the appropriate channel

Is the data encoded in ASCII?  If so, then the "Scan from String" and
"Spreadsheet String to Array" functions will be useful.  If it's in
binary format, you'll probably end up using the Type Cast function.

I'd suggest downloading some of the native LabVIEW instrument drivers
on  E.g., download something for an oscilloscope
that includes a serial interface.  This should provide you with
several examples of how to read data with VISA and parse it.  This
should also show you many examples of how to get real-valued data
(orange) instead of pink or blue.

I hope this helps.


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