You need to use a semicolon...



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"DonRoth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Using Open/Create/Replace file fx, one can specify custom patterns
> using the custom pattern input, and if only one type is specified, all
> files of that type that exist in that directory path show in the file
> section of the dialog.  For example, if I use "*.bmp" as the custom
> pattern, all files of .bmp type display in the file section of the
> dialog that exist in the directory. However, if I specify multiple
> types for custom pattern, files of those types specified in the custom
> pattern do not show in the files section of the dialog. For example,
> if I specify "*.bmp, *.jpg, *.png" as the custom pattern, no files of
> these types display in the file section of the dialog.  Why is this,
> and is there a workaround?

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