...and if I do not have the internet toolkit?

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Gangloff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:02 PM
To: Daniel A. Gilmore
Subject: Re: Time Zone

Daniel A. Gilmore wrote:

>I need to save absolute time stamps to an Excel compatible CSV file and
>the time zone adjustment from Universal Time to do this since the LV time
>stamp is in Universal Time.  Is there a way in LV to get this info.
If you have the internet toolkit, there is a VI that formats time
according to RFC-1123.  It is located here:
.....\vi.lib\addons\internet\utils\strutil.llb\RFC-1123 Date.vi

A sub of this VI calculates the local offset from a known GMT time which
provides the local difference from GMT
.....\vi.lib\addons\internet\utils\strutil.llb\GMT Delta.vi


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