Hello Frans,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

The Value (Signaling) property allows you to change the value of a
control or indicator programmatically on the block diagram, while also
generating a value-changed event that can be captured for further use
in the program.  The following link provides an example VI that
demonstrates exactly how this property works:


You can change the Value (Signaling) property of a control from an
external C program by changing the value of another control that is
wired to the property.  Referring to the example VI from above, if you
use your ActiveX client program to set the value of Slide2, you will
change the Value (Signaling) property of Slide1.

You can obtain a list of available ActiveX Methods and Properties for
LabVIEW by opening LabVIEW and selecting Help >> VI, Function, &
How-To Help....  Run a search using keyword "ActiveX."  I believe the
function call you may want to use is as follows:

object.SetControlValue(controlName, value)

I hope this helps!

Matthew C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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