> When I tried to close version 1.0.0, LabVIEW popped up a message box 
> saying, "Resetting VI: Bird's Eye View.vi," and hung. Since this does 
> not happen with version 1.0.1, where a number of race conditions were 
> fixed, I presume that something was getting in something else's way, 
> but does anyone know what it means to "reset" a VI and what might 
> have caused it to occur here?

Resetting is the internal term for aborting or stopping.  It is always 
difficult to bring multiple threads to a stopping point.  At the moment 
at least, this is done without killing threads, so if a thread is 
running in a DLL or CIN or subroutine priority VI, LV will just wait for 
it.  In the future, this dialog might have a button to try and kill the 
offending threads.  Of course, this slaughter will likely leave 
resources to drivers open and in odd states, so that is a can of worms 
we have left unopened.

Greg McKaskle

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