Can anyone tell me what graphic cards work well with respect to using
dual monitors and labview?  How does the graphic card handle moving the
display data from one monitor to another. I was considering the ATI
Radeon 9800XT.  Great for gaming as well. I remember someone talking
about having the diagram window on one machine and the panel window on
another.  No more fussing around with the windows to do your work
faster.  Also, how about those kvm monitor switches?  Anyone used those
in conjunction with the dual monitor graphic cards?  Is going with an
extra PCI board as well as the ATI Radeon 9800XT AGP board the better
route than running both monitors off of the same card?  Thoughts?
Comments?  One other off topic question.  Have you guys/gals been buying
and using LCD monitors?  Anyone running them for a long time?  I keep
seeing used monitors show up on ebay that have a few/many lcds burnt out
or broken in the display.  How hard and expensive are they to repair if
this is the case? I can solder as I'm a EE by nature.


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