I didn't reply to the original email, but after finishing up some LV 
changes, I decided to try a comment.  Of course this is one of those 
topics that is difficult to discuss in writing, so please don't use your 
whiney voice when reading it.  I'm simply trying to give insight into 
our process.

LV is a very complicated piece of software.  Like most complicated 
systems, changes can be characterized by cost, risk, and benefit.  These 
are the what the LV team members use to decide what bugs get fixed and 
when.  Of course bug fixes are also weighed against the development of 
additional features.

There are unfortunately, some bugs that have a low benefit to fixing 
because they don't affect many users or are purely cosmetic in nature, 
and they are caused by complex interaction or design defect, and would 
therefore be both risky and costly to fix.  
When triage is performed, these bugs frequently find their way at the 
end of the list.  That isn't to say they won't ever be fixed, but these 
are usually batched together and dealt with when a specific feature is 

As an example, units in LV is a unique experiment unlike what I've seen 
in other programming languages or engineering tools.  It works 
incredibly well and efficiently for most things, but it takes a bit to 
understand how to use, and it has a few rough edges.  It has been that 
way since LV4 or so.  We have intended to revamp units, incorporating 
various wishlist items and bug fixes, but it is a big task since it has 
to be 99% compatible with the current behavior, yet deal with hard 
issues like unitless units (decibels and percentages), and dynamic units 
for logging situations.

For LV6 or 6.1, one of the changes was to redo numeric coercion.  While 
it sounds simple, it involved generated code, arrays, clusters, and 
various odd corner cases.  In redoing the feature, we made 
simplifications, covered some common cases that were overly difficult 
before, and generally improved things.

Units and charts are still on the list of things that could stand to be 
improved, and my advice to you is to make sure that bug reports give the 
engineer good information so they can make good estimates on the cost, 
risk, and benefit.  In particular, they can judge the risk of changes to 
a particular area, and estimate the time to make the changes, but it is 
sometimes hard for them to estimate how much time and how many LV users 
are bothered by a bug.  Of course if you are honest, you may have just 
relegated your bug to the back of the line, but in the end, this 
thoroughness and honesty will lead to the improvement of LV.

Greg McKaskle

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