> Thank you all for your answers. They've been very helpful in
> understanding the problem. I understand that refreshing the screen is
> hard and I know that LV requires a lot of resources but still - we're
> talking about 10 FPS - that's not a fast refresh rate. In response to
> Shea's question, we have a few programs in which such constructions
> exist. Bad programming practices? Maybe, but I still think a modern
> computer should be able to handle this task. Anyway, from now on I'll
> try to avoid doing it, if possible.
> P.S. Shea - I understand what you're saying about local variables, but
> I'd still expect most programs to have quite a few of them.

You already have quite a bit of info in this, but I can explain a bit 
more.  All controls in LV will take longer to draw when overlapped, but 
the LEDs you are using are even more expensive as the bezel or divot is 
actually a blend with the objects beneath, and that requires several 
steps to draw.  Add to this the fact that they are grayed out after 
drawing, which is another blend action.  By initializing the array, you 
get rid of the blend with gray.

Here are the numbers I gathered by deleting your delays and running all 
out on my computer.

Covered, grayed, I got 26 FPS
Just grayed I got 500 FPS
Covered, but not grayed, I got 36 FPS
Neither, I got 480FPS

And I think others mentioned this, but if the point is to have LEDs 
around the big button, make a cluster instead with 32 buttons and a big 
button in the middle.  You won't have overlapping.

Finally, I just wanted to point out that it isn't reading the array, but 
writing to the array that causes the redraws.

Greg McKaskle

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