LV-RT is not required unless you are doing something else in addition
to the acquisition.

I will assume you will only be collecting one channel of data.

If you do some math you will see that the acquistion alone will eat up
a large portion of the PXI bus bandwidth.

If you throw in saving to disk at the same time, you are going to be
pushing things a bit.

If you settle for just acquiring the data into memory durring the 10
minutes (!) and then writing the buffer to file after the acq is done,
I believe this task is do-able! The OS you use to run the app really
will not matter much provided you code allocates enough memory ahead
of time.

I would start by doing a quick test where an acq is started and the
I/O is configured to read 1 or 2 minutes of data.

Yes the app will "hang" while waiting for the data. If this works I
would then repeat the test for the desired 10 minutes. Your system
will need about 512M of memory just to buffer the data. Less than that
will present problems.

If the test app does OK on the above mentioned (repeated multiple
times) test, you may be in buisness. You will just have to write the
1/2 Gig file and you are done.

If the above fails, do not give up! First keep us informed of how
things are going and we may be able to get around sticking points.

While spec'ing hardware for app like this, I will usually have NI
sales support verify the hardware will do what I want and provide an
example program that proves the functionality I need.

I have never attempted to queue up an I/O reading 1/2 a Gig of data so
you will be exploring limits I have never seen.

If the above does not work, then I suggest a "divide and conquer"

This approach would use two DAQ boards and external clocking to
acquire half the data on one machine and the other half by another.
One of the boards should sample on the rising edge of a clock, the
other system acquires on the falling edge. The resulting data would
then have to be merged to give you all of the data.

The preceding technique should work but it will not be simple to

I will watch this Q's to see if you have any issues. Please let us
know if you figure this out and any techniques that made it possible.

Trying to help,


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