I have real huge sets of data originating from an image-like (many
"pixels") data aquisition that is interpreted according to a similar
large set of objects with many properties. This is all fed also
through different GUI windows.
Before I had this fed into and out of the sub vis via
ontrols/indicators as learned.
Now I just finished converting into keeping the master set of data in
gobal variables and creating a local copy at the entry of the sub VI.
Background of this not so common approach is, that once a front panel
was open ( as in a user interface happens eventually) the data in the
controls/indicators is still using up memory, Whereas since LV 7, I
can release  local memory like copies of global variables on exit.

Of course in a man/machine interface speed is not so essential and
timing performance may require a different approach, but my problem
was reaching the all terminating limit of 2GB / process.
Linux 64 with lots of RAM might have helped otherwise ;-)

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