> We have purchased a 6025E card and want to evaluate which direction to
> go. Our plan is to use the demo of labview 7 express first to develop
> a simple test, and then use the labwindows demo to develop and
> evaluate the same test. This would give us a good feel (we thought)
> for which product we want to purchase. Our problem appears to be that
> without a license (Labview or LabWindows) we can only modify an
> existing task, channel, or scale according the measurement explorer.
> We are not sure what that (Message from ME) really means except that
> we are left to wonder what it means not having experience with the
> products.
> We need an example program that we can use directly or modify for the
> 6025E card that will give us a sense of what the test programming will
> be like in Labview 7 express. Our test scenario is to set a state,
> read our inputs, wait a period of time, change state, read our inputs,
> wait a period of time. We would like to use a spread sheet form to
> control the output states and compare the input states against, as
> well as set the period of time for each state. Setting a state
> includes setting the direction register for those ports or bits that
> can be set. If this is an easy demo or if it already exists in a state
> that we should be able to use and evaluate then please point us to the
> right location or source.
> Our operating system is Windows XP Pro, internet connected, and can be
> set to host for GOTOMYPC or Windows remote assistance should there be
> an active interest in getting us going. We have a contractor in house
> whose job it was to set up a demo test but we are afraid that we
> shackled his efforts by not having the software already purchased. Is
> this a fair assumption?
> Your thoughts, assistive actions, and criticism is welcome.

Since I work for NI, my advice would be to purchase the Developer Suite. 
  You will own both tools and can use each of them to their strengths.

But assuming my sales pitch didn't bowl you over, you should be able to 
write VIs that use the existing I/O channels or use the lower level 
less-configured and more programmatic I/O.  I don't know exactly what is 
  disabled with the demo, but you can also speak with your local sales 
rep to see about getting a full featured loaner to better evaluate.  Of 
course he will also recommend that you buy the Developer Suite combo.

Greg McKaskle

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