Thanks Greg;

You have highlighted exactly our problem with the demo. No one can
detail exactly what is disabled with the demo software and how to
conduct an evaluation using the specific hardware purchased from NI
(in this case it is the 6025E card).

What I expected to get for an answer was that one of the Labview users
would generate a simple test configured for the 6025E card (which we
now own) so that we could stimulate pins and observe/compare resulting
states. I am still hopefull for this however the sales staff appears
to be responsive this morning. Because of distance to the sales office
it is difficult for the sales staff to just stop in and help out with
the demo evaluation. Another possibility was the opportunity to get
assistance over the web via either remote viewing /
diagnostic assistance or the windows XP pro remote assistance feature.

The old addage that time is money, and so far NI has consumed far too
much of both our companies time and NI's time for such a simple task.
I am positive that like all other chaotic beginnings this too will
pass. The only question is whether we purchase the product or write
our own program. We expected the investigation of Labview to consume
far less time than it would take to develop a test fixture but in this
case it is not true. We would have already been testing the PCB's due
in at any moment and would have been on to the next design problem.

Again, thanks for your response. It is employees like your self that
are an important feedback mechanism to the corporate entity.


Rob Roy

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