Well, I see you posted this in 1999 so I don't really expect anyone to
see my response, but I just encountered this problem myself.

The reason URL Get HTTP Document sometimes doesn't time out is that is
it very poorly written. Several of the subVIs strip out the timeout
error using VI "No Time Out Error". This can cause the VI to be stuck
in an infinite loop in several different locations. For example, TCP
Write Entire Buffer has a tight while loop that runs until the entire
buffer is sent or an error <i>other than a timeout error</i> is
encountered. If a timeout error is generated (for example, the by
remote http server dying in the middle of the transfer), this routine
ignores it and just keeps trying to send data forever. It's really
dumb. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should modify NI's existing
routine, junk it and start from scratch, or go outside of Labview
entirely and call some Microsoft API function.

I'm using Labview 6.1.


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