I spent some time modifying the non-linear Lev-Mar fit to do a rational
polynomial fit of z=f(x,y).  The one I ended up using was the ratio of
two polynomials, where both polynomials went up to a power of 4 in x
and/or y.  It worked really well for smooth functions.  It is just like
a least squares fit, but it uses non-linear equations and is iterative.

At the moment, I think I spent too much time on it to give it away.
This might help you get started in the right direction, though.


Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
(810) 687-4288 Phone
(810) 687-6202 Fax

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Max Harbor
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 5:44 PM
Subject: [A] Evaluating a 3D Prametric Surface

I have assembled data taken in a series of stepped
tests that I have plotted using the 3D Parametric
Surface Graph.  Essentially the inputs are X, Y, and Z
matrices that describe a ribbon like surface that does
not fold under or back upon itself.  I want to perform
a fit and evaluation on the data such that I can input
scalar X and Y and output scalar Z.  Because the data
are distributed unevenly I am having fits coming up
with an evaluation routine to handle this.  Does
anyone have any suggestions or a canned solution to
this kind of a problem.

Max Harbor

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