
You wrote:

I need to get the name of all the windows that are open. Also, I need to
find out the status of the windows
i.e. Which one of them is maximized or minimized?

How can I find out which window is "active"?

It is not clear if you mean all the windows of all programs or just all LabVIEW VI panels. In the former case, I can't help you.

The LabVIEW Application has a property called "All VIs in Memory" which provides the names of those VIs. In LabVIEW 7, each VI has a property called "Front Panel Window State" which has values including "Standard", "Minimized", and "Maximized". In earlier versions, only the Front Panel Window Open property exists and there does not appear to be an easy way to determined minimized or maximized windows. The "Front Panel Window is Frontmost" property will tell you which is "active".

You can see examples of the use of these properties in Copy/Paste Boolean Attributes (http://www.openg.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Copy-Paste+Boolean+Attributes) on the OpenG site and in Edit Panel Elements and Ghost Buster on my site (http://www.sullutions.com/LabVIEW.html), among others.

        Paul F. Sullivan


        SULLutions              (781)769-6869
        "when a single discipline is not enough"

visit http://www.SULLutions.com


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