The hardware configuration:pci 82350 gpib
- The instrument address:gpib0:11
- The resource string you ausing: gpib0:11:instr
-The instrument tools such as MAX appears
-the soft:labview6.1.When i install the soft ,i can use
the  visa to connect to serial,and the resource string
such as " com1","com2"appear .when i install aglient's
i/o library,i connect to the gpib card,the error-1073807195
appear.Then I copy the agilent's file:visa.dll and agvisa.dll to the
directoy c:\winnt\system32,I can use the gpib card correctly,
However ,i cannot find the  string such as "com1" in the resource
list,when i try to use the serial port.
on the another hand,when use the MAX,I cannot find the gpib card,but
use the aglient's i/o ,I can connect to other instrument .
I want to use the  serial port and  GPIB at he same time in the
labview enviorment ,what can i do?please tell me.thank you very much!

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