There is no plan at the moment to move out of the standard text only format. I spoke 
with Tom C.
his desire is to keep the list text only. I don't have any intention to stray from 
this. I really
don't think this is an issue. Having the attachments stripped and re-linked is also an 
option and
this idea can also be evaluated in the future.

One thing we should all realize is that there are several forums out there for 
discussing LabVIEW.
Each one of these has their own "followers". There are people who only read info-lv 
and others that
only read the comp.lang.labview newsgroup. Then again there are participants in the The point is that each has a "character" and a unique set of 
people that
surround it. We should try and avoid changing the makeup of info-labview if at all 
possible and
keep the "character" consistent. When people subscribe to info-lv they know what they 
are getting.
If anyone requires the shuffling around of attachments and HTML then info-lv is not 
for you. There
are other resources for this purpose.

Thank You
Michael Aivaliotis

Quoting Brian Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Would it be possible to have the list continue in its all text format
> but also mirror all emails to a Web forum.  
> This way someone could attach and example vi and it would be
> automatically stripped out of the email version but remain on the
> mirrored web forum. The all text email could provide a link to the
> message's location on the mirrored website forum.  
> Of course special precautions would have to be implemented on the
> website forum such as virus checking attachments and stripping email
> addresses to avoid spam.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Boyd Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 9:22 AM
> To: Lewis Drake
> Subject: RE: Alternative info-LabVIEW list
> I read this on pine.  Any HTML email I get I delete without reading.  I 
> am spared any accidental running of attachments, code or buffer overruns
> that can be caused by HTML email.  (I know several people whose
> computers were infected by computer viruses and trojans and one person's
> computer was completely hacked.  Ever carry out an online chat in
> Notepad?)
> Daniel Fox
> On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Lewis Drake wrote:
> > If the list is being moved and reworked, then why not consider
> changing the
> > format of it to something that allows for better tracking of
> discussion
> > topics?  There are several software packages available that support
> > discussion groups like this and allow for HTML.
> > 
> > Lewis Drake
> > Process Automation Corporation
> > Belle Mead, NJ
> > 908 359-1011
> >

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