Normally, when making an executable, LabView will copy any DLLs that the linked subVIs required to a data directory that can reside next to the executable. This is fine, thank you NI.

Now, what happens when your application loads a VI dynamically... and it needs a DLL? The load will fail unless the DLL is nearby... in the "data" directory. Still not a problem if we know with some certainty which DLLs might be needed.

But suppose we do not? In that case, must the entire "resource" directory contents be moved to "data", in order to support any possible VI? And if that unknown VI uses/needs vi.lib support, then should the entire vi.lib directory also be placed next to the executable? Is this allowed under the LabView EULA?

Thanks for any thoughts from people that have already worked these wires...

- Andrew Johnson
- WireWorks West

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