Hello Oliver,

What Greg stated above is entirely true.  The design of the Value
Change property in the Event case was intentional.  However, there is
a way to programmatically =93fake=94 the Event case into thinking that a
Value Change event was initiated by a front panel user.  This is a
feature that was added in LabVIEW 7.0, so it is unavailable in
previous versions of LabVIEW.

To programmatically trigger this event, create a property node from
the front panel control you wish to change.  Setting the =93Value
(Signaling)=94 property of this control changes the value AND generates
a Value Changed event.  This property was specifically designed to
allow programmatic generation of the Value Changed Event.

Hope this helps!  Let me know if there is anything I can help with or

Ken S.
National Instruments

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