Hey Rich,

In a pulse train generation application, error -10609 indicates that
the first pulse train is still being generated. So basically you're
updating the pulse specs too quickly.  Your example originally used AI
Sample Channel instead of AI Single Update.  AI Sample Channel
configures the analog input each time it=92s used.  It seems what
happened is replacing this with AI Single Update speed up your loop
causing the error.  There are several ways to work around this.  One
suggestion would be to add a longer delay in the loop.  Another
possibility would be to check for the error and either clear it and go
on to the next iteration or continue to try and change the pulse specs
until you succeed and then proceed to the next iteration of the
original loop.  I=92m attaching a link to an example that checks for the
error and if it occurs clears it.

<a href =3D
Train Generation with Changing Pulse Specs (PWM) </a>

Please post back if you have any additional questions.

Sarah Miracle
National Instruments

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