A global function is a VI whose principal job is to store some data
(typically in the shift registers of a WHILE loop with LOOP set to

At one time (LabView 2 and earlier) there were no global variables.
The way you stored something for use by two or more independent VIs
was to have a VI with a READ/WRITE switch input, a DATA input and a
DATA output.

If you called it with WRITE = TRUE, it stored the data you gave it.

If you called it with WRITE = FALSE, you read out the data it had

1... You don't make copies of the data when you read it. That's
important for memory usage when the data is a 200x64*512 array of CDB
(I've used it like that).

2... It's atomic.  If you want to store 6 separate items into six
globals, you have the problem of knowing when ALL items have changed.
Whatever reads them might read them during your change, and read 3 old
values and 3 new ones. The global function is guaranteed to deliver
the data as a set.

3... You can add functionality. I like to encapsulate things - for
example: a config file handler.  I like to have a handler (global
function) for each type of config file.  It has a FUNCTION input,
which typically has functions like INIT, SET DEFAULT, READ FILE, WRITE
FILE, COMPARE, and so on. The actual config is stored by this VI (in a
shift reg, natch). Anybody who wants to deal with a config file calls
this VI.  That way, anytime I need to change something involving a
config file, I have ONE and ONLY ONE place to go.

In my multi-window project, I used a global function to create, store,
and manage the occurrences.

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