That is what I thought you were refering to.  Which should bring me to
my final question.  I finally have a fully working model using almost
the exact method you perscribed.  My last question lies in
transporting the data to the plots.  Right now I have a re-entrant VI
that has 6 simulated signal sources and puts them in an array.  I
placed a copy of this VI in each plot.  Is this the most effiecent way
todo this?  Soon the simulated signal sources will be DAQ express VIs
and I wasnt sure if I shoud localize and than transport it VI queue or
global variable or something I am not aware of.

It sounds like the way I am doing it now is a global function as you
described but I want to make sure by having as many copies of the VIs
as plots I want to display on the screen that this is memory and
processor efficent.

I really wish I could mail you a thank you card or something you have
been a life saver.  Thank you so much!  I will keep learning so maybe
one day I could help you.

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