Getting the panels to look just as good no matter what font and font
size the user choose is close to impossible. As you say NI does not
look like they have payed it much attention either; even the startup
menu of LV get's cluttered if the font size or type is "wrong".

The best option if you want to optimize things for all resolutions
without having different VIs is probably to not use the application
font. Use a specific font and size and design everything to function
relatively well on both low and high resolution (in other words; a bit
too big on low, a bit small on high...). By setting the default font
to something else in the LV options you can avoid having to change the
font during development.

Personally I use the application fonts, but fix the font and font size
using the appFont,dialogFont and systemFont keys in the .ini file of
the applications.

The following keys in the .ini file e.g. will fix the font to Tahoma
at size 13:

appFont=""Tahoma" 13"
dialogFont=""Tahoma" 13"
systemFont=""Tahoma" 13"

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