Someone might have better answers, however, here is my 2c.

To Q1, I use an application called "fine print", when it set as
default, it will popup everytime when there is a print opeartion and
you can choose what printer to print to and set other settings as
well.  You can preview the print content as well.  It is not free, but
a very good tool.

If the report generated is a word or Excel file, I believe you can use
print function in either word or Excel to print.  You will have more
options as well.

To Q2:  Programetically it is not possible to directly print a graph
to printer in Labview, but there are other ways.  Whenever we want
print lots of graphs or plots, we use a very powerful graph tool
called "ProEssencials".  You can select which printer to use, you can
export the graph to different images (jpg, bmp and emf).  When plot is
sent directly to a printer, you can maximize the plot without loosing
details (unlike labview graph, which you capture a piture of the graph
but the picture is not scalable)

Hope this helps,


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