That's excellent work.

Well this tests most of the cable connections, you PC and the COM port
and the associated hardware and leaves only the trasmitted command.

This simple test that you have performed is one of the most basic but
important. Because it gives you a baseline to work from. From now on
you 'know what to expect'.

Look in the instructions and find the string that is used to request a
reading it is probably somthing like S1 for channel 1 or similar (I
can't find my sheet at the moment, I have moved since I last used it).

Type this string in to the terminal program.
If it mentions CR then that means Carrige Return and you do that by
pressing the ENTER key.

If you could post the instruction sheet it will save me looking for my
copy, which I may never find.

After this it will be a simple matter to get the data into Labview.

You should now look into the examples with Labview and search for the
parameter 'SERIAL'. This will lead you to an example 'Serial
communication.VI' which is an example of how to send a command to a
serial prot and aquire the results. It also has a timeout which means
you don't end up waiting for ever if the remote device fails to
respond (because it's disconnected or the battery is flat in the
Digimatic device).

The default data rates match those of the MUX so there is almost no
work to do!!

If your feeling brave type the command into the available control and
set the VI running. It should return your data.

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