I would like to do the following:
Have an xy graph with multiple plots. The plots are values over time.
The plots don't have sychronized or regular time updates which is why
I used an xy graph which works great.

I would like to have a vertical cursor that is free dragging that I
can move horizontally. I would like to display a tooltip of the value
of each graph just to the right of the cursor (x) and about at the
level that  the data point is at (y).

Oh, I forgot to mention that each plot will have it's own y scale.

Some possible but incomplete solutions.

Solution 1) There's no cursor support built in to access a list of
data points closest to the intersection of the virtical cursor and the
plots. I thought about creating a cursor for each plot and locking
them and then hiding all but one, making one free dragging and moving
the others in response. This would at least get me my values, but it
doesn't get me the xy location to display the popup tooltip. But the
other major problem with this is that the times of each plot are not
necessarily the same so the cursors can't stay synchronized. Scratch
solution 1.

Solution 2) Have single free dragging cursor. Get the bounds and the
position of the plot...but wait, you can't get the position, only the
bounds. You can get the position of the graph, but that is not the
postition of the actual plot area. OK, so I moved the y scales to the
right side and made that the plot area butted up against the upper
left corner of the graph. That gets me the xy position. Now with the x
scale, which there is only one, I can calculate the real x location
for tooltip display. To get my actual values out of the graph, I have
to take the cursor value which is time in seconds and search my data
returning the points that are closest to the that time for each graph.
If there is no value within some TBD distance, then I won't return a
value for that plot. OK, I still have to calculate the y positions for
the tooltips. I figured I'd just get the y scale values like I did for
x....except there doesn't appear to be a way to get all of the y scale
values. There's y-scale which appears to be the first or current y
scale and there's Active Y Scale, but that doesn't seem to do anything
unless I'm supposed to make a writeable Active Y Scale property node
and then immediately get the "y scale" values.

So I think I'm stuck unless someone has some answers to solve the
problem above. I suppose I could fake the scales with sliders like the
old way of doing it and only have have one real y scale on the graph,
but how many hoops do I need to jump over?

If anyone has any ideas or knows of any more elegant solutions, or
even an active x control that I could buy that has already solved

Ultimately, in the end, if I can't do xy calculation for the tooltips,
I'll just display them statically, but that is last resort.

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