>AFAIK, it is NI policy NOT to distribute a list of bug fixes. I have been variously informed >this either for competitive reasons or it avoids confusing the users.
Too bad, having a comprehensive list of bug fixe(s) (<-joke here) would have been very nice. I guess we will have to compile that list ourself (as usual) :(

Scott Hannahs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 9:44 -0700 5/6/04, andrew johnson wrote:
>Is there yet a list of labview bug fixes that 7.1 incorporates?

AFAIK, it is NI policy NOT to distribute a list of bug fixes. I have been variously informed this either for competitive reasons or it avoids confusing the users.

Standard disclaimer, if you don't like these reasons or want another reason, contact NI and your sales engineer.


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