I have been asked by a LV user if I can provide a C DLL that will give
him access to a C++ library I have developed for measurement
uncertainty calculations. The central feature of the C++ library is
that it defines a new abstract data type.

I think I can write C functions to interface to my C++ code. These
functions would include: factory functions to create new instances of
an abstract data type;and functions to do arithmetic and simple math
on instances of the same abstract data type.

I would use a pointer to a C struct in the C function prototypes as a
way to wrap the underlying C++ object references.

My question is: Is it going to be possible to make a LV interface to
such a DLL? As far as I can see, LV does not really support abstract
data types: it does not seem to allow overloading of arithmetic
operators, for example (is that correct?) and I saw somewhere that it
is not happy with pointers to C struct types in calling functions from
a DLL.

Does this project seem too ambitious for LV? If not, I would
appreciate some pointers (sic) in the right direction.

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