> My question is: Is it going to be possible to make a LV interface to
> such a DLL? As far as I can see, LV does not really support abstract
> data types: it does not seem to allow overloading of arithmetic
> operators, for example (is that correct?) and I saw somewhere that it
> is not happy with pointers to C struct types in calling functions from
> a DLL.
> Does this project seem too ambitious for LV? If not, I would
> appreciate some pointers (sic) in the right direction.

The way to integrate it is to build LV subVI wrappers around your type, 
much like you will find written for the imaq image, the waveform 
datatype, the SQL connections, etc.  If your methods into your C++ class 
have simple signatures, you can probably hook directly into it.  If the 
signature isn't something you can map directly into LV, you can write a 
wrapper function that simplifies the parameter list.

An alternative, if your object has all public data members, is to copy 
it into a LV cluster or array, but it sounds like you want to keep the 
members protected, so just expose your interface.  The operators like + 
are not overloadable at the moment, but since you can make an icon that 
looks just like it and put it in your own palette, it is pretty similar.

Greg McKaskle

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