I am currently writing numerical data to Excel using Invoke and
Property Nodes in LabVIEW.  My problem is that I want the data to be
written to Excel but I want the spreadsheet to stay hidden until the
writing process is complete..  Writing all the data on the screen
takes upwards of two minutes for a spreadsheet that is only 1024 rows
long (by about 20 columns wide).  I see a Worksheet property called
"visible" but I cannot find anywhere the acceptable values for this
parameter.  It's NOT binary as I would have guessed it to be but
istead "visible" is asking for a 32 bit Integer.  I need to know what
32 bit Integer numeric value might correspond to "not visible".  Or is
there some other way to hide the spreadsheet while I write to it??

Also, when I right click on "Visible" among other things I get an
option that says "Help for Visible" but when I select that nothing
happens..  When I right click on any parameter of an invoke or
property node, I get the same "Help for xxxx" but again nothings
happens...  What have I failed to install in terms of help files??
And can anyone answer my question about how to hide the spreadsheet
while it is being written to or any other way to greatly speed up this
writing to excel process??  Any help would be appreciated...  thanks..

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