> Hi, I'm new to LabVIEW! Ok, what I'm trying to do is create a front
> panel with 9 LEDs. Then I have a Menu Ring, with three different
> options. These options determine the order in which the LEDs are lit.
> So what I was planning on doing was creating three subVIs, one for
> each of the options...but how can I do that when I only have one
> boolean for each LED? So basically how can I relate the LEDs on the
> front panel into the subVIs? I tried using globals - but it seemed
> like that just passed on the state of the boolean instead of allowing
> me to actually change the boolean in the subVI. I hope this makes
> sense...I'm really confused! Thanks for any help!

Initially, you might just hook your ring to a case structure to 
determine which frame executes.  You can put the terminals for the 
Booleans in the different diagrams and about the only other thing to 
keep in mind is that you probably want a delay in the loop.

Greg McKaskle

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