Speaking of Time zone and DST problems within LabVIEW...

Has anyone noticed that some X vs. T plot Time scale labels are wrong in
versions of LabVIEW prior to 7.0?  When you make a time based plot of
LabVIEW data, where the time span includes the time when DST (daylight
savings time) changes to ST (standard time) or ST changes to DST?  In the
U.S. this occurs on the first Sunday morning in April (2:00am jumps to 3:00
am) and the last Sunday morning in October (3:00am goes to 2:00 am).  This
was a hard problem for NI to solve, but they finally did it in LV 7.0.

However, there is still an area where NI could improve the time plotting
capability.  When the plot span is greater than a few days, the major tic
marks are placed on the UTC values for midnight (and multiples of midnight
for spans of a month or so) rather than the values for midnight local time.
This results in weird, non-intuitive, major tic mark values to mark day
boundaries, such as 8:00:00 pm (i.e. EST for midnight).

A typical time plot for one of my process control oriented clients is a week
or month long.  This span presents an ugly time axis display and I've been
asked to "fix the problem" several times.  I'd like to see major tics for
large time spans at midnight, week start, month start, year start...  Maybe
version 8.0 will have the fix?

Lewis Drake
Process Automation Corporation
Belle Mead, NJ
908 359-1011

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