==================Original Post====================
Subject: RE: Time zones and time stamps
From: "Jean-Pierre Drolet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:34:43 -0400

Lewis Drake wrote:
> However, there is still an area where NI could improve the time plotting
> capability. When the plot span is greater than a few days, the major tic
> marks are placed on the UTC values for midnight (and multiples of midnight
> for spans of a month or so) rather than the values for midnight local
> This results in weird, non-intuitive, major tic mark values to mark day
> boundaries, such as 8:00:00 pm (i.e. EST for midnight).

I've just found that in LV7 you can correct this using the property
Xscale.Range.Start and setting it to your local midnight instead of 0.
I was aware of this solution.  However, the last time I tried it in LV 6.1
it did not work properly for small time scales of a few minutes or seconds
(I can't recall the exact time span where it started to fail).  For some
reason, the execution time of the graph grew tremendously and in a few cases
LabVIEW locked up.

I still think that this should be fixed by NI and be part of the graph.  I
will submit it again to the appropriate NI website page.

Lewis Drake
Process Automation Corporation
Belle Mead, NJ
908 359-1011

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