I'll bite:

An artist, an engineer and a mathematician were given the task of
building a fence to contain a flock of sheep.

The artist took into account the lay of the land and chose an
appropriately aesthetically pleasing shape of fence, then painted it

The engineer counted and measured the sheep, then built a circle of
fence to just fit around the flock.

The mathematician put one fencepost in the ground and defined the rest
of the meadow to be "inside".

PS. I've never met a mathematician (PM or AM) who could jump 10 feet!

Ben Zimmer
Software Developer, Meikle Automation Inc.
PhD student, Applied Math, University of Waterloo.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William Rance
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 11:37 PM
To: Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: Programming approach

Here's one which received some interesting solutions in python and c,
if someone would like to do it in Labview.

A Pure Mathematician(PM) and an Applied Mathematician(AM) were put in
separate rooms and located 20ft from an Apple.They were informed that to
reach the apple they had to jump 10ft, followed by another jump of half
distance (5ft) followed by subsequent jumps each of which would be  half
distance of preceding jump.
The PM quickly calculated that no matter how may jumps he made he could
never land at the apple, consequently he did not attempt the jumps.
The AM however immediately started jumping, as he calculated that  after
to 6 jumps he would land close enough to grab the apple.
 Happy coding to all.

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