Subject: [OT] NI Internal Programs
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 15:24:42 -0400 

>I've always wondered what NI uses internally to write LabVIEW. To be more
>specific, the LabVIEW core (not RT, PDA, etc.) on Windows.
>What is the language breakout? (%C, %C++, %Assembler, %LV, etc.)

I would assume no assembler at all. Maybe that was different in the old
days with Windows 3.1 which had a lot of complicated things to deal with
as LabVIEW was 32bit which might be impossible otherwise, but nowadays
every line of assembly means a lot of additional effort for a system
targeted to so many different platforms.

Traditionally LabVIEW was programmed in C but they changed the compiler
to use C++ around version 6.0. Neverthless most of the old code is still
C I assume. The error messages show now all .cpp files but the code inside
can still be the old code (and from some debugging sessions I had in the
past looks like generated from standard C for large parts) with some small
adaptions. And so it probably is for a lot of things because rewriting
everything from scratch would take several years for sure not to mention
the possibility of countless compatibility problems on the lowest binary
level of everything. New functionality since LabVIEW 6.0 is most probably
however clean C++.

Since LabVIEW 7 there are also some tools written in LabVIEW itself such
as the Property Dialog the Zoom utility, etc. 

Also the extensive and automated Test Framework each LabVIEW version has
to go through is of course written in LabVIEW.

>Which development environment? (MS Visual Studio, Borland, GNU??)

I think they still use Visual C on Windows (all flavors including PDA).
Probably CodeWarrior for the Mac OS Classic version and GNU for the rest.

>Any third party tools? (compilers, editors, debuggers, etc.)

Not sure about compilers. Maybe Yacc/Flex for the script node interpreter
compiler. Debuggers, you can live with Visual C for a large part.
Editors probably as much as there are developers. There is simply no editor
which suits every programmer. There are people who like to use Emacs for
programming. The only Editor I don't expect to be seen used by a programmer
is probably Notepad ;-) and MS Word :-))

>Bug Tracking tools? (Bugzilla, etc.)

No idea, they used to have their own bug database built on Oracle.

>SCC? (SourceSafe, CVS, etc.)

I think there were mentionings of Perforce here in Info-LabVIEW.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BV    tel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H                  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
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