> What I found is that I can get the code to go to State 2 just fine (I 
> see it looping with the lamp on) when the Boolean is set to False. 
> However after that, I cannot click on the Boolean on the front panel 
> any more- it seems to be locked!  State 2 was supposed to send the 
> state machine back to Poll when the Boolean went True, but there's 
> just no way to click on the Boolean.
> Emperically I guess this is the way it's supposed to be, but I don't 
> understand why.  My guess is that the Event Structure is somehow 
> trapping changes to the Boolean and then freezing it but, again, I 
> have no idea why this should be.

It sounds to me like you have a statically registered event structure, 
and it will queue the registered events for the controls from when the 
window opens to when it closes.  Even if your diagram is busy executing 
the event structure, another loop, a subVI, etc.

If you are done with the events, look at unregistering for them.  Or you 
can change your state machine to return to the state you named poll, but 
I'd name processEvents.

In summary, it sounds like the event structure is doing what it is 
supposed to, just not what you were expecting.  If it isn't clear how to 
get what you want, please repost.

Greg McKaskle

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