There is a huge collection of native LV drivers on the NI web site, and many
(if not most) could do with SOME cleanup. Since test performance can be
drastically affected by driver efficiency, maybe reviewing the driver style
guide as a NI Week program would be in order.

I've shuddered at many drivers I've downloaded over the years, some
rewritten some from scratch. Take a look at the Quadtech Digibridge 1689
10ac86256d81006a30da?OpenDocument ); they were made some 10 years ago, but
they make me laugh. The use of locals between frames in a sequence which do
nothing, combined with complex subvi's that can be replaced with one or two
functions on the source vi panel should make for interesting discussion.

I give this only as an example; this is an relatively ancient driver and
instrument (not even 488.2 compliant). I have 5 in my office that make up a
good portion of our business though :-( I'm fully aware of newer instruments
(including from Quadtech) with good drivers and SCPI.

Alas, I work for a small company that can't afford to send me to NI week,
but all of my friends from former employers that have attended rave about
the various programs and the night life!

As a side note, I don't think I've ever met a LVer that couldn't resist
"improving" even the best written drivers (including me!).

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Greg McKaskle
> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 8:43 AM
> Subject: VIs for NIWeek GBnU
> I hope I'm not annoying anyone yet, but I'm still looking for guinea pig
> VIs that Christina and I can try to improve for the presentation.
> In case you haven't seen the previous posts, we request submissions and
> try to fix the things that the author had difficulty accomplishing.
> Sometimes it is performance, othertimes it is an unprofessional panel,
> or perhaps the VI works, but they had problems making the code readable
> enough.
> The presentation at NIWeek has few slides and consists of looking at the
> before and after pictures.  Pointing out the good and clever things that
> were already there, looking at how the bad things could have been done
> differently, and looking at the ugly things and seeing if they can be
> made pretty.
> So, if you have the time and would like to help make our NIWeek sessions
> more successful, please consider sending a good, bad, or ugly VI suite
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED] along with some description of what you were trying to do
> and what things you wished had turned out better.
> The VIs will be made anonymous and the presentation will be very
> interactive.  Join us if you can for the NIWeek session.
> Greg McKaskle

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