
you asked on Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:52:32 -0400:

I have ... set of VI's to manage configuration files and parameter data as functional globals.
> ... I'd like to get some
feeling for the most suitable way to earn some money this way.
Selling routines without diagrams seems a chancy business for the buyer,
since a LabVIEW version upgrade in the middle of a project can cause your
program to stop compiling. Do people really send you money when they sell a
program which incorporates a "shareware" component? Or do they just forget
where they got it from.
I would not just doubly reconsider buying a diagram-less toolkit. You should consider using password protection instead. Not that I would like PW protected components, but at least they usually provide the chance to take 1 to 3 major LV updates.

How price sensitive are people? It's almost as easy and surely more
satisfying to sell 10 copies for $200 as one for $2000.
I have no problem buying tools for up to about 50 € or US$ just out of curiosity and based on freely availabel (ad?) info. Have also bought some SW for up to 150-180 €, but this has to provide a demo or try-before-buy version in order to check out its value.

Cause I know your name and your reputation from this list, I'd believe your description of what this tool could serve me with. But I still would consider a limit of about 150 to 200 € to be a major stop.

I have, however, the feeling that selling tools around LV is a hard job.
The knowledge behind a toolset is often not really valued. And as people have different asumption on how any give function empirtically works, you have to provide a good documentation and help files and so on. This takes its share of work too.

Please keep the list informed!

Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Uwe Frenz Entwicklung getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG Oderstr. 59 D-14513 Teltow

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