[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Kathy,

LOL...translated that means that if his testimony does not incriminate
Clinton then he goes to jail.  I think most people realize by now that
Starr is not interested in the truth.  He's interested in nailing
Clinton.  But it WILL be interesting to hear what he says on the stand. 
If we ever do get to hear it, that is.


On Sun, 22 Mar 1998 18:23:55 -0500 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill :)
>Here is the one thing that makes me tend to believe Tuckers testimony 
>he ever has to testify, is knowing there is a clause in his agreement 
>he is caught lying he voids the plea and will go to jail. That's a
>pretty big price to pay for lying, and that is something most people 
>not willing to do.
>William J. Foristal wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>> Hi Kathy,
>> IMO, the problem is that Starr has had plenty of other witnesses 
>> that have been destroyed with respect to credibility after the fact. 
> So
>> I think the public, rather than thinking something is happening, is
>> beginning to wonder how credible the next witness will be.
>> And trading testimony for leniency on a conviction is probably 
>enough to
>> destroy the credibility of someone like Tucker.  Just as trying to 
>> her story for big bucks has destroyed Willey's credibility for many
>> people.  The implication is that a made up story might bring more 
>> than the truth.
>> Bill
>> On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 11:32:14 -0500 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Kathy E
>"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and 
>isn't looking too good for you either"
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