>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

><< I certainly wouldn't want to be the next guy who is running for the
> office of President either.  Unless this guy came straight out of a
> monastery, I can't imagine anyone not having something in their
> background that they don't want people to know.  Well then there is
> Quayle  <BG> >>

>That guy from the monastery would almost certainly have his sexual orientation
>questioned, Sue.

Think David Souter or Janet Reno.  Barbara Mikulski was even subliminally
charged.  She couldn't deny it without uttering the dread word.

>Quayle?  No, that's going too far IMO. 

Innocent, Sue.  Not stupid.

There actually have been wonderful candidates with spotless records in
recent times though they didn't fare well.  Sen. Paul Simon is an easy one.
Dukakis was even nominated.  They had to claim he was crazy and didn't look
good in a tank.  He was even accused of being <horrors> a liberal.  It was a

The supply of decent people is not so meager that we have to elect degenerates.

Some might have noticed that Al Gore is quite clean.  He is a nightmare for
Republicans who would promise a bleak future for them if they did the right
thing and cleaned up the mess in the White House.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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