[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Jackief wrote:

>No the reason I am questioning her statement is not because of your 
>statement about
>Jones is trailer trash and he is President.  That is not why I 
>question her
>statement at all.  I don't judge people for where they live..  I lived 
>in a trailer
>court for over 6 years and I don't consider myself trash so why would 
>I consider
>her trash.  But I also don't simply believe her just because she says 
>it is so.  So
>if you are assuming that the only reason some of us question her 
>statement is
>because of the difference in status of ole' Bill and her, you are 
>mistaken, at
>least as far as assuming that is my bias.

HI Jackie,

Wow, great post!!  I snipped most of it because of its length, but it was
one of the finest slam dunks I've seen on any discussion group.  It's
nice to read facts from someone who has the expertise and who takes the
time to research all sides of an issue.

For those of us who rely on the evidence to make judgments this kind of
information is invaluable.


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