Well now, Linda, when William F. Buckley was sued for fraud in the operation
of a family business many years ago he testified that he was too naive to
know what was going on.  The jury naturally bought his protestations of
ignorance as any jury would Hillary's.  The answer though to all the deep
philosophical questions is yes.  I refuse to believe Hillary is an idiot
like her supporters believe.

>"Linda D. Misek-Falkoff, Ph.D., J.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Sue - here's one of those paragraphs, snipped from your post, which
>could keep a bunch of people busy a bunch of years diagramming all the
>possible (or reasonably posited) states of mind depicted.  Did she
>assist? If so, did she knowingly assist? If she lied, was it a conscious
>lie or was she passing on a lie? If she concealed, etc. etc. etc.
>Here come the experts on 'putative mental states' and 'psychology of
>Stretching the controversy a bit? Can't help it, I was bitten by the
>*Law/&/Issues online forum bug*.  :) LDMF.
>---------------------Sue Hartigan wrote in pertpart: :-----------------
>>           Prosecutors are trying to determine if Mrs. Clinton,
>>           while a private Arkansas attorney, assisted a series of
>>           fraudulent S&L land transactions in the mid-1980s
>>           carried out by her business partner, the late James
>>           McDougal. They're also investigating whether she lied
>>           about her work under oath or tried to conceal documents
>>           in the Whitewater investigation that was begun during
>>           her husband's presidency.
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Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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