Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

March 28 — Paula Jones’ attorneys today filed
               papers in their case against President Clinton that
               contain an unsigned letter alleging the president
               sexually assaulted a woman in a hotel room 20
               years ago. 
                    The lawyers offer no other evidence. The woman has
               denied the incident under oath while testifying in the
               case, legal sources told ABCNEWS. The lawyers did not
               include her denial in their papers, filed in court in
Little Rock,
                    Clinton’s lawyer, Robert Bennett, today called the
               accusation false, reckless, outrageous and a sign the
               lawyers are becoming desperate. White House spokesman
               Mike McCurry, traveling with the president in Africa,
said he
               had not seen the letter and had no comment on it.
                    Jones is suing Clinton, accusing him of sexually
               her in a hotel room when he was governor of Arkansas.
               Clinton denies the allegations. 

               Lawyers: Letter Refutes Clinton
               Jones’ attorneys, in their filing, said the letter
refutes Clinton’s
               assertion in a legal deposition that he had not and would
               sexually harass any woman. 
                    The letter is dated Oct. 23,1992, and is from a man
               named Phillip Yoakum to the woman, identified as a
               registered nurse.
                    The letter, which goes into graphic detail of the
               encounter, says it happened in a hotel room at a nursing
               conference in Little Rock. 

               Yoakum Details Unavailable 
               The papers do not identify Yoakum, and further
               on his whereabouts or background were not immediately
                    The phone number listed for Phillip Yoakum at the
               address on the letter answers with an automatic phone
               company recording saying the number has been disconnected
               or is no longer in service. There is no other listing for
a Phillip
               Yoakum in Arkansas.
                    The letter says Yoakum faxed a document “detailing
               facts of the rape as you had told them to me” to
               Nelson, a long-time Republican opponent of Clinton who
               to him in the 1990 gubernatorial election.
                    The letter says Nelson was suspicious but met with
               Yoakum. It doesn’t further identify their link. 

               Letter Unsigned, Tapes ‘Destroyed’ 
               Yoakum’s letter, which he calls a ‘copy,’ has no
               He claims in a fax to an attorney he names as Wendell
               Holmes to have had a Xerox copy of the letter but to have
               destroyed it along with tapes he had made of
               with the woman, her husband and others involved. A
               Texas-based attorney in Jones’ case is named T. Wesley
                    Jones’ attorneys, in the papers filed today, also
state that
               Clinton’s staff, by producing letters from Kathleen
Willey that
               called her truthfulness into question, showed that they
               obstructing the Jones case by not producing similar
               documents when Jones’ lawyers demanded them earlier.
                    Willey, in a much-watched interview on 60 Minutes,
               claimed that Clinton had groped her and kissed her
               inappropriately near the Oval Office.
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