Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> March 28 — Paula Jones’ attorneys today filed
>                papers in their case against President Clinton that
>                contain an unsigned letter alleging the president
>                sexually assaulted a woman in a hotel room 20
>                years ago.
>                     The lawyers offer no other evidence. The woman has
>                denied the incident under oath while testifying in the
> Jones
>                case, legal sources told ABCNEWS. The lawyers did not
>                include her denial in their papers, filed in court in
> Little Rock,
>                Ark.
>                Letter Unsigned, Tapes ‘Destroyed’
>                Yoakum’s letter, which he calls a ‘copy,’ has no
> signature.
>                He claims in a fax to an attorney he names as Wendell
>                Holmes to have had a Xerox copy of the letter but to have
>                destroyed it along with tapes he had made of
> conversations
>                with the woman, her husband and others involved. A
>                Texas-based attorney in Jones’ case is named T. Wesley
>                Holmes.

Hi Sue

How convenient--unsigned Xerox copy of a letter, original destroyed, and
alleged tapes destroyed.  Let's clutch at straws here.  Most people sign
their letters with some type of signature I would think, even if it is a
smiley.  Otherwise how would you know who sent it to you??  I know keep the
envelope <LOL>.  I think these women better start picking better
friends--the women say no and the friend comes up with something that makes
them a perjuror.  Guess I can do without friends like that.


>                    --

In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.    Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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