DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-01 12:11:24 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Hi Everyone, just so you know I have just changed my Telephone setup so @
 weekends I'll be online dirt cheap (just like my good self), so I'll be
 online most of Saturday night, hopefully see some of you, out there
 somewhere <bg>.
 Ah just thought your all about 5+ hours behind UK time, so it'll be
 afternoon for you, ah well whatever:-)
 TTFN Steve :-) >>

Now you know, that'll be nice.  There's often a dearth of posts on weekends,
especially on Sunday.  (Do you suppose folks have a real life or something?
Nah.)  It will be good to have someone to talk to on the weekends.

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