Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Here's a real Batz Horror story from Lawrence Livermore and the DLM Lab in
Alachua, FL:

There is a crime ring operating in the South, with concentrations in 
Florida, Texas, and the New Orleans area of Louisiana. Lately there has 
also been activity in Las Vegas, and it is slowly expanding to other 
major cities. Alerts have traveled through the military also, because 
this is no penny-ante operation.  It is well-organized and funded, and 
involves skilled medical personnel, most likely advanced med students 
and/or doctors. Here the scenario:

A traveler, male or female (although men have comprised most of the 
victims so far, and you'll see why) goes alone into a bar or hotel 
lounge for a drink, where he or she is engaged in conversation by a 
stranger who offers to buy the victim a drink. The victim is then 
distracted in some way, most usually a phone page, a hotel note, or 
another stranger who stops by to speak to the drink buyer. The 
distraction passes and they have a pleasant drink together.

This is the last thing the victim remembers before waking up naked in a 
tub full of ice.  There is a note nearby which says "Do not move or 
leave this tub. Call 911 or you will die." A phone is within reach.  EMS 
workers in Houston have become familiar with these calls, and instruct 
the caller to reach around and feel if there is a tube protruding from 
the lower back. As soon as the victims answers "yes", the 911 worker 
tells him or her to remain absolutely still, as they have already 
dispatched paramedics.

What's happened?  Both kidneys have been "harvested" from the healthy 
victim, whose drink was "laced" with a modern equivalent of the 
old-fashioned "Mickey Finn." Why? Simple--money.  A healthy kidney is 
worth $10,000 on the "fresh organ black market." (Yes, it does 
exist--YIKES!) Victims in their 20s and 30s are the "best" prey---but 
teens and older victims have been reported as well. 

This really made my day---I thought sure it was an April Fool joke until 
our Fire Safety Officer and our "Campus Cop" assured me it most 
certainly was not.  Don't drink and drive may have just become don't 
drink and travel.  What a world, huh?

As written to me by Barbie Batz... 


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