[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,

Yeah, we have people getting injured and killed via gunshots down here
and it always seems to be someone who would never touch the gun or who
had gone through such an intensive training and safety course that they'd
never have an accident.

Then we have those brilliant people who don't lock up their guns and
manage to get them stolen.  There's a Catch 22 for you.  How can you
protect yourself with a gun if you have to keep it locked up? <G>

A senator from Illinois is presenting a bill that would create a law to
punish gun owners whose guns are stolen and then used in a crime, or
whose guns are involved in an accidental shooting.  Of course, the NRA
opposes this.


On Thu, 02 Apr 1998 18:22:12 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill
>The tornado at St Peter edged out any news on the 13 year old in our
>wonderful paper.  But, yesterday Tom (the one that was the police 
>chief in
>Grand Meadow) and I talked to the county sheriff and it sounds like 
>child has not had an easy time.  But, it still shouldn't have caused 
>him to
>kill others.  I do know that guns were left lying around the house 
>when he
>lived up here and the mother was not worried as she said the kids knew
>about guns and what they go do.  She also said that they wouldn't 
>touch the
>William J. Foristal wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>> Hi Jackie,
>> I thought your phrasing was impeccable, as usual, and you are 100%
>> correct in what you posted. :)
>> The more I read about that 13 year old the more bizarre that case 
>> Looks to me that not only the kid, but his father and step-father 
>had a
>> lot of problems.  Too bad they can't see these things ahead of time 
>> intercede.  Also, I think that kids need to be sensitized to the 
>> that they should immediately report any comments from another kid 
>> they plan to kill or hurt someone.  Times really change.  When I was 
>> kid the worst that happened was a fist fight to settle differences.
>> Bill
>> On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 17:23:33 -0600 Jackie Fellows 
>> writes:
>> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >Hi Bill
>> >
>> >I guess I did sort of phrase it wrong : ).  Lucky some of you know 
>> >and can
>> >fill in the gaps when I quickly write something.  But I do know 
>> >are not
>> >many I talk too would take a polygraph.
>> >
>> >There is sure a flurry of activity going on around here over the
>> >Arkansas
>> >thing.  The 13 year old spent summers up here with his 
>> >My
>> >colleague who appeared on tv has been swamped with calls wanting an
>> >interview.  He had CBS sitting in his driveway, CNN called, NBC,
>> >Fox--really
>> >something wild.
>> >
>> >jackief
>> >
>> >William J. Foristal wrote:
>> >
>> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 06:53:52 -0600 Jackie Fellows
>> >> writes:
>> >> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >Hi Sue
>> >> >
>> >> >Thanks for ferreting out pertinent info. for all of us.  I am 
>> >sure
>> >> >I
>> >> >read this right--my eyes might be biased <VBG>, but it seems the
>> >> >Supreme
>> >> >court is not willing to accept the idea that the polygraph is
>> >> >admissible.
>> >> >Am I correct in this??
>> >> >
>> >> >jackief
>> >>
>> >> Hi Jackie,
>> >>
>> >> Yes, you are correct.  Although the court did not rule out
>> >acceptance of
>> >> lie detector tests in future cases that may be supported by more
>> >> compelling evidence, they ruled that the evidence presented in 
>> >case
>> >> was not sufficient to warrant approval.  In other words, they did
>> >not buy
>> >> the amicus brief citing the 90% accuracy data.
>> >>
>> >> Some comments in the ruling:
>> >>
>> >> "There is simply no consensus that polygraph evidence is 
>> >>
>> >> "To this day, the scientific community remains extremely 
>> >about
>> >> the reliability of polygraph techniques.  There is simply no way 
>> >know
>> >> in a particular case whether a polygraph examiner's conclusion is
>> >> accurate."
>> >>
>> >> Bill
>> >>
>> >>
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>> >
>> >--
>> >In the sociology room the children learn
>> >that even dreams are colored by your perspective
>> >
>> >I toss and turn all night.    Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"
>> >
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